غوثیہ میموریل گرامر ہائی اسکول
کی ویب ساُیٹ میں آپکا استقبال ہے
تالاب کٹہ، بھوانی نگر، حیدرآباد
Fees Structure :-
Please contact School Office for further details.
The following fees have to be paid at the time of admission. Admission fee, 1st Term Fee Caution Deposit & Withdrawals:This deposit does not attract any interest and is accepted at the time of admission. It is refundable only on completion of the under mentioned conditions.
a) When a student completes his/her study in the school and passes out of class X.
b) Parents desirous of withdrawing their children before passing out of X class must submit a request for refund of caution deposit in writing to the school office BEFORE 31st may and obtain an acknowledgement.
It may be noted that requests received after this date will not be entertained and caution deposit will not be refunded.
Term fees must be paid before the 1st of June,
1st of September &
1st of January.
Late fee of Rs.50/- Per day will be charged for delayed payments.
Delay of over one term will entitle a payment a payment of re-admission fees of Rs. 500/-.
Any fees once paid will not be refunded. Reminders for fee payment will be sent. Students will not be allowed to attend classes if one term is in default. Cheques will not be accepted after the last date for payment of fees. If a regular cheque is paid before the due date is dishonored handling charges of Rs. 500 will be charged.
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