ڈیجیٹل إنڈیا إسکول
.ملن کالونی ، ہائ وے پلازا بلڈنگ ، بنڈلہ گوڑہ مین روڈ ، چندراءین گٹہ ، حیدرآباد، ریاست تلنگانہ ۔ الہند
کی ویب ساُیٹ میں آپکا استقبال ہے
آپکے بچّوں کی بہتر سے بہتر تعلیم و تر بیت کیلئے إس إسکول کا إنتخاب آپ کادرست فیصلہ ہوگا
The CBSE envisions a robust, vibrant and holistic school education that will engender excellence in every sphere of human endeavour. The Board is committed to provide quality education to promote intellectual, social and cultural vivacity among its learners. It works towards evolving a learning process and environment, which empowers the future citizens to become global leaders in the emerging knowledge society. The Board advocates Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation with an emphasis on holistic development of learners. The Board commits itself to providing a stress-free learning environment that will develop competent, confident and enterprising citizens who will promote harmony and peace. The goal of the Academic, Training, Innovation and Research unit of Central Board of Secondary Education is to achieve academic excellence by conceptualising policies and their operational planning to ensure balanced academic activities in the schools affiliated to the Board. The Unit strives to provide Scheme of Studies, curriculum, academic guidelines, textual material, support material, enrichment activities and capacity building programmes. The unit functions according to the broader objectives set in the National Curriculum Framework-2005 and in consonance with various policies and acts passed by the Government of India from time to time.
Some major objectives of the Unit are:
i. To define appropriate approaches of academic activities to provide stress free, child centred and holistic education to all children without compromising on quality
ii. To analyse and monitor the quality of academic activities by collecting the feedback from different stakeholders
iii. To develop norms for implementation of various academic activities including quality issues; to control and coordinate the implementation of various academic and training programmes of the Board; to organize academic activities and to supervise other agencies involved in the process
iv. To adapt and innovate methods to achieve academic excellence in conformity with psychological, pedagogical and social principles.
v. To encourage schools to document the progress of students in a teacher and student friendly way
vi. To propose plans to achieve quality benchmarks in school education consistent with the National goals
vii. To organize various capacity building and empowerment programmes to update the professional competency of teachers