ڈیجیٹل إنڈیا إسکول
.ملن کالونی ، ہائ وے پلازا بلڈنگ ، بنڈلہ گوڑہ مین روڈ ، چندراءین گٹہ ، حیدرآباد، ریاست تلنگانہ ۔ الہند
کی ویب ساُیٹ میں آپکا استقبال ہے
آپکے بچّوں کی بہتر سے بہتر تعلیم و تر بیت کیلئے إس إسکول کا إنتخاب آپ کادرست فیصلہ ہوگا
ELP (English Language Program)
English Language Program has been introduce to make every student feel confident and successful in English Language Learning. Special efforts are being enfored to make sure the students of each section specially in Primary and Upper Primary Level to development their English Language Proficeincy. So that they will be a learned person which reaching to the high school level. When they donot need to work of the language. And that stage they can focus on the Subject of their Curriculam. We want to make sure in every walk of life our student should stand with full confidence and excellent communication skills.
In Association with LetusLearnEnglish.Com and SpokenEnglish.Biz we have made arrangement to see our ELP is implemented with it assigned targets and goals and our students gets ready for the next levels.