ڈیجیٹل إنڈیا إسکول
.ملن کالونی ، ہائ وے پلازا بلڈنگ ، بنڈلہ گوڑہ مین روڈ ، چندراءین گٹہ ، حیدرآباد، ریاست تلنگانہ ۔ الہند
کی ویب ساُیٹ میں آپکا استقبال ہے
آپکے بچّوں کی بہتر سے بہتر تعلیم و تر بیت کیلئے إس إسکول کا إنتخاب آپ کادرست فیصلہ ہوگا
Deeniyat and Moral Science :-
The member of all the faculties are well qualified, experienced and dedicated having a strong sense of Islamic values.4
Quality modern education.
Basic teachings of Holy Qur'an and Islamics.
To impart education characterised by thoroughness,
High principles and a freedom, that helps the students to grow in responsibility,
Self-reliance and the ability to make wise decisions,
Providing contemporary education in Islamic atmosphere,
Improve linguistic skill in English, Hindi, Urdu and Arabic languages,
Character building and moral regeneration of the students so that they grow as disciplined citizens and to develop the feeling of service to humanity and mutual cooperation.
The (teacher) has to perfect the child on her (nature's) plan.