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-:Notice Board :-

  1. Anuual Eamination will start from 15-04-2018. Circular will be given to all students. Hall Tickets will be given to all students who have already cleared any dues. Those who have not yet paid dues are requested to clear dues and get a clearence from the class teachers.

2.  Anuual Eamination will start from 15-04-2018. Circular will be given to all students. Hall Tickets will be given to all students who have already cleared any dues. Those who have not yet paid dues are requested to clear dues and get a clearence from the class teachers.

3.  Anuual Eamination will start from 15-04-2018. Circular will be given to all students. Hall Tickets will be given to all students who have already cleared any dues. Those who have not yet paid dues are requested to clear dues and get a clearance from the class teachers.

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