ڈیجیٹل إنڈیا إسکول
.ملن کالونی ، ہائ وے پلازا بلڈنگ ، بنڈلہ گوڑہ مین روڈ ، چندراءین گٹہ ، حیدرآباد، ریاست تلنگانہ ۔ الہند
کی ویب ساُیٹ میں آپکا استقبال ہے
آپکے بچّوں کی بہتر سے بہتر تعلیم و تر بیت کیلئے إس إسکول کا إنتخاب آپ کادرست فیصلہ ہوگا
Parents Counselling Sessions:-
Parenting is the greatest challenge and responsibility we will ever accept in our lives. Good parenting consists of a great deal of trial and error. As parents, we make many mistakes along the way; and we learn from each mistake and move forward.
We are responsible for our child and they look to us for guidance and support, from infancy to adulthood. Providing this consistency is important to their happiness and well-being. The importance of good parenting means we want to give our children every opportunity to be happy and succeed in life.
As parents we offer unconditional and constant love. We can teach them many lessons of life; forgive their mistakes, accept them for who they are and offer them a safe and happy home. In good and bad times, love them anyway. Wise parenting involves nurturing, providing loving support and also, the ability to let go. Parenting does not come easy to most of us. It is with great effort, much anxiety and many prayers that we raise our children. Our hope is they will become loving, responsible and successful adults who live fulfilling lives.
Children are people with their own ideas and personalities. No matter what the purpose, it is important to remember that communication with children is not the same as it is with adults. There are a variety of counseling techniques to use with children.
Counseling is a process in which the counselor expresses care, understanding and concern towards the person with a problem. The purpose of counseling is to create an environment of trust where the child / parent can learn more about their own thoughts, feelings, problems and their life. Through this process, the child / parent is able to take action to achieve their goal or to solve their problems.
Through the process of counseling, a child can freely express emotions that he / she feels about a particular situation and sub consciously looks to the counselor to help resolve the issue.
Counseling offers a direct and open relationship and creates an environment for the child to openly and freely express his / her fear, anger, anguish, and problem and often expects the counselor to keep it a secret and help with the matter.
The most important aspect of counseling is that the counselor is not a loved or known person in everyday life of the child, with whom the child might be ashamed to interact with, as in case of a parent, once his / her secret matter is known.
Since counseling is able to reduce a child’s sense of shame or low self esteem by demonstrating that the child is valued and cared for. This might be an important intervention in the child’s life which will help resolve issues related to their lives.
Understand parent’s concerns or problems regarding their child.
Work with the parent to provide support and guidance.
Sort out important issues.
Understand the consequences of particular actions.
Helping Parents identify his/her own resources to resolve the problem.
Empower the Parent to work with strengths rather than limitations.
Provide a roadmap to resolves issues causing anxiety within the family.