ڈیجیٹل إنڈیا إسکول
.ملن کالونی ، ہائ وے پلازا بلڈنگ ، بنڈلہ گوڑہ مین روڈ ، چندراءین گٹہ ، حیدرآباد، ریاست تلنگانہ ۔ الہند
کی ویب ساُیٹ میں آپکا استقبال ہے
آپکے بچّوں کی بہتر سے بہتر تعلیم و تر بیت کیلئے إس إسکول کا إنتخاب آپ کادرست فیصلہ ہوگا
Rules and Regulations
1. Every child must attend the assembly.
2. Every child Must come in full uniform.
3. Every child Must keep the school premises neat, clean and pleasant.
4. Every child Must be polite, friendly and well-behaved with everyone.
5. All the Students must bring the required books to the school everyday.
6. All the Students should not leave the school premises during school hours without permission.
7. The school management is not responsible for any loss of personal property/jewellery. Complains on case of loss of the above will not be entertained.
8. Progress Reports should be duly signed by the parents and should be returned on time.
9. Absence for more than 10 days without prior permission from the school authorities will render the students name to be struck off the rolls.
10. Leave will be considered on obtaining prior written permission.
11. Homework is part and parcel of the school studies, hence parents/guardians should ensure that the homework is completed on time.
12. Students should not deface or damage any part of the school property. Parents will be made responsible for the loss / damage done by their children.
The students should be regular to school.
Attendance is an important factor for improvement of a child.
The students should be sent to school on time.
This will help to inculcate punctuality from the very on-set.
A child coming late to school reflects the carelessness of an uninterested parent, hence see that the child is always on time.
All books, both text books & note books, will be kept in the school.
The student is allowed to Cary those books only which are required for the next day's home work.
Ten days before the examinations, the students are given all the books to prepare for the examinations.
This will help the student to concentrate more on the next day's work.
This will reduce the load he/she has to carry everyday.
Parents/Guardians are requested to involve themselves in school activities, as their co-operation is essential. They are welcome to meet the teachers or the school authorities before or after the school timings. Concrete & constructive suggestions for improvement are always accepted it if, found necessary & suitable.
The students be sent in clean & well - ironed uniform, and shoes should be cleaned and polished. Books should be neatly covered and labeled. Parents should take care of the personal hygiene of the child. A well-dressed child in uniform is our pride. No jewellery to be worn while coming to school.